Sunday, February 28, 2010

WEEK 4: Frequency Domain Analysis of Simple RLC Circuits

The series RLC can be analyzed in the frequency domain using complex impedance relations. If the voltage source above produces a complex exponential waveform with complex amplitude V(s) and angular frequency s = σ + iω , KVL can be applied:

V(s) = I(s) \left ( R + Ls + \frac{1}{Cs} \right )

where I(s) is the complex current through all components. Solving for I(s):

I(s) = \frac{1}{ R + Ls + \frac{1}{Cs} } V(s)

And rearranging, we have at

I(s) = \frac{s}{ L \left ( s^2 + {R \over L}s + \frac{1}{LC} \right ) } V(s)

Complex admittance

Next, we solve for the complex admittance Y(s):

 Y(s) = { I(s) \over V(s) } = \frac{s}{ L \left ( s^2 + {R \over L}s + \frac{1}{LC} \right ) }

Finally, we simplify using parameters α and ωo

 Y(s) = { I(s) \over V(s) } = \frac{s}{ L \left ( s^2 + 2 \alpha s + {\omega_0}^2 \right ) }

Notice that this expression for Y(s) is the same as the one we found for the Zero State Response.

Poles and zeros

The zeros of Y(s) are those values of s such that Y(s) = 0:

 s  =  0 \, and  |s| \rightarrow \infty

The poles of Y(s) are those values of s such that  Y(s) \rightarrow \infty. By the quadratic formula, we find

 s = - \alpha \pm \sqrt{\alpha^2 - {\omega_0}^2}

Notice that the poles of Y(s) are identical to the roots λ1 and λ2 of the characteristic polynomial.

Sinusoidal steady state

If we now let s = iω....

Considering the magnitude of the above equation:

 | Y(s=i \omega) | = \frac{1}{\sqrt{ R^2 + \left ( \omega L - \frac{1}{\omega C} \right )^2 }}.

Next, we find the magnitude of current as a function of ω

 | I( i \omega  ) |  =  | Y(i \omega) | | V(i \omega) |.\,

If we choose values where R = 1 ohm, C = 1 farad, L = 1 henry, and V = 1.0 volt, then the graph of magnitude of the current i (in amperes) as a function of ω (in radians per second) is:

RLC series imag.png
Sinusoidal steady-state analysis

Note that there is a peak at imag(ω) = 1. This is known as the resonance frequency. Solving for this value, we find:

\omega_0 = \frac{1}{\sqrt{L C}}.

Parallel RLC circuit

RLC Parallel circuit

Parallel RLC Circuit notations:

V - the voltage of the power source (measured in volts V)
I - the current in the circuit (measured in amperes A)
R - the resistance of the resistor (measured in ohms = V/A);
L - the inductance of the inductor (measured in henrys = H = V·s/A)
C - the capacitance of the capacitor (measured in farads = F = C/V = A·s/V)

The complex admittance of this circuit is given by adding up the admittances of the components:

{1\over Z}={1\over Z_L}+{1\over Z_C}+{1\over Z_R}={1\over{j\omega L}}+{j\omega C}+{1\over R}

The change from a series arrangement to a parallel arrangement has some very real consequences for the behaviour. This can be seen by plotting the magnitude of the current I={V\over Z}. For comparison with the earlier graph we choose values where R = 1 ohm, C = 1 farad, L = 1 henry, and V = 1.0 volt and ω in radians per second:

Sinusoidal steady-state analysis

There is a minimum in the frequency response at the resonance frequency \omega_0={1\over\sqrt{LC}}.

A parallel RLC circuit is an example of a band-stop circuit response that can be used as a filter to block frequencies at the resonance frequency but allow others to pass.

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